요통 및 좌골신경통 환자의 치료결과 : 수면장애 및 피로감과 자각적 통증 및 장애정도의 관계

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Outcome of Low-Back Pain and Sciatica : Relationship among Self-reported Pain Intensity, Disability, Sleep Disturbance and Fatigue
Objective : Psychological factors may have a major influence on the outcome of treatment for back pain. We investigated the relationship between the outcome and some psychological factors, such as self-reported pain intensity, disability, sleep disturbance and fatigue. Method : The study was conducted as a survey using a questionnaire and telephone interviews. The survey included consecutive 294 patients who visited the neurosurgical out-patient department complaining of low back pain and contacted by telephone on average seven months after the first visit. Pain intensity was measured by visual analog scale, and disability was assessed by Waddell's chronic disability index. Results : The outcome of treatment for back pain was recovered in 36.7%, improved in 30.6%, almost same in 28.6%, and aggravated in 4.1%. Overall rate of improvement was 67.3%. The rate of improvement was related to the duration, patterns and intensity of the symptom, and Waddell index. It was not influenced by the doctors, special studies, and methods of treatment. When the duration was more than 6 months, there were the symptoms of both back and legs, and the self-reported Waddell index was 1-3, the rate of improvement was relatively low. Although the intensity of the pain and disability was closely related to the degree of sleep disturbance, fatigue, appetite, or indigestion, the outcome of treatment for back pain was not always bad in patients with high psychological stress. Actually the outcome of the patients who complained severe pain and disability was better than the outcome of the others. Conclusion : The outcome of the back pain can be predicted by the duration, patterns and intensity of the symptom, and Waddell index. The multidisciplinary treatment will be necessary for the patients whose expected outcome is not good to reduce not only the physical symptoms but also the psychological stress.
All Author(s)
이경석 ; 윤석만 ; 도재원 ; 배학근 ; 윤일규
Issued Date
Low back painSleep disturbanceFatiguePain intensityDisabilityOutcomeSpine
1225-8245 ; 1598-7876 ; 2005-3711
Citation Title
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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