Comparison of Families with and without a Suicide Prevention Plan Following a Suicidal Attempt by a Family Member
- Abstract
- The frequency and extent of the existence of a familial suicide prevention plan may differ across cultures. The aim of this work was, therefore, to determine how common it was for families to develop a suicide prevention plan and to compare the main measures used by families with and without such a plan, after an attempt to commit suicide was made by a member of a family living in a rural area of Korea. On the basis of the presence or absence of a familial suicide prevention plan, we compared 50 recruited families that were divided into 2 groups, with Group A (31 families) employing a familial suicide prevention plan after a suicide attempt by a family member, and Group B (19 families) not doing so. The strategy that was employed most frequently to prevent a reoccurrence among both populations was promoting communication among family members, followed by seeking psychological counseling and/or psychiatric treatment. Contrary to our expectation, the economic burden from medical treatment after a suicide attempt did not influence the establishment of a familial suicide prevention plan. It is a pressing social issue that 38% (19 of 50) of families in this study did not employ a familial suicide prevention plan, even after a family member had attempted suicide. Regional suicide prevention centers and/or health authorities should pay particular attention to these patients and their families.
- All Author(s)
- H. D. Cho
; N. Y. Kim
; H. W. Gil
; D. S. Jeong
; S. Y. Hong
- Intsitutional Author(s)
- 조흥돈; 김남영; 길효욱; 정두신
- Issued Date
- 2015
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- Suicide; Suicide, Attempted, Family; Suicide Prevention; Suicide Prevention Plan
- Publisher
- 대한의학회
Korean Academy of Medical Sciences
- 1011-8934
; 1598-6357
- Citation Title
- Journal of Korean Medical Science
- Citation Volume
- 30
- Citation Number
- 7
- Citation Start Page
- 974
- Citation End Page
- 978
- Language(ISO)
- eng
- 10.3346/jkms.2015.30.7.974
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