Body mass index trajectories and adiposity rebound during the first 6 years in Korean children: Based on the National Health Information Database, 2008-2015

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PURPOSE: We analyzed the nationwide longitudinal data to explore body mass index (BMI) growth trajectories and the time of adiposity rebound (AR). METHODS: Personal data of 84,005 subjects born between 2008 and 2012 were obtained from infant health check-ups which were performed at 5, 11, 21, 33, 45, 57, and 69 months. BMI trajectories of each subject were made according to sex and the timing of AR, which was defined as the lowest BMI occurred. Subjects were divided according to birth weight and AR timing as follows: very low birth weight (VLBW), 0.5 kg ≤ Bwt ≤ 1.5 kg; low birth weight (LBW), 1.5 kg < Bwt ≤ 2.5 kg; non-LBW, 2.5 kg < Bwt ≤ 5.0 kg; very early AR, before 45 months; early AR, at 57 months; and moderate-to-late AR, not until 69 months. MAIN RESULTS: Median time point of minimum BMI was 45 months, and the prevalence rates of very early, early, and moderate-to-late AR were 63.0%, 16.6%, and 20.4%, respectively. BMI at the age of 57 months showed a strong correlation with AR timing after controlling for birth weight (P < 0.001). Sugar-sweetened beverage intake at 21 months (P = 0.02) and no-exercise habit at 57 months (P < 0.001) showed correlations with early AR. When VLBW and LBW subjects were analyzed, BMI at 57 months and breastfeeding at 11 months were correlated with rapid weight gain during the first 5 months (both P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Based on this first longitudinal study, the majority of children showed AR before 57 months and the degree of obesity at the age of 57 months had a close correlation with early AR or rapid weight gain during infancy.
All Author(s)
I. T. Hwang ; Y. S. Ju ; H. J. Lee ; Y. S. Shim ; H. R. Jeong ; M. J. Kang
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*AdiposityBirth Weight*Body Mass IndexChildChild DevelopmentChild, PreschoolDatabases, FactualDietExerciseFemaleHealth SurveysHumansInfantInfant, Low Birth WeightInfant, NewbornLongitudinal StudiesMaleObesity/epidemiologyRepublic of Korea/epidemiologyWeight Gain
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PLoS One
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